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Name : Nini MACuta (MAC歌二二)

Voice source : Bokumaku

Illustrator : Bokumaku

Initial idea : KazukoP/AZUSA

Age : Somewhere between 18 - 22

Height : 12 CM

Weight : 0,1 KG

Likes : Metal music, video games, penguins

Dislikes : Dresses and skirts

Personality : Nini is always full of energy, and is a natural at getting herself in trouble. She's loud, energetic, and never sugarcoats anything. 
She enjoys pulling pranks on others, and doesn't really care how far she has to go if it means she'll get a good laugh out of it. 

She has a short temper, and will blow up over the smallest things. However she tends to forget what she was mad about just as quickly, and carries on as if nothing happened.

She can be a real piece of work, but she's a loyal friend once she gets to know someone. 


*Nini is based around an Apple Magic Mouse*


DEMOMacuta Nini CVVC
00:00 / 00:18
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