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Name : Kuro MACuta (MAC歌クロ)

Voice source : b0uys3l

Illustrator : Bokumaku

Age : Adult

Height : 174 CM

Weight : 73 KG

Likes : Conspiracy theories, video games, energy drinks

Dislikes : Waking up early

Personality : Though he may not seem like it due to coming off as a soft spoken and introverted person at first glance, Kuro is a highly mischievous and eccentric individual. 
He enjoys creating his own rpg games, but rarely finishes any of them before getting bored and moving onto a different idea.

When not creating or playing games, he spends hours on forums sharing and discussing his latest conspiracy theories about his housemates. 
He's convinced at least one of them is not human, but can never quite figure out who. 

Behind closed doors his personality changes completely, and reveals a more "playful" side.

His diet consists entirely of instant ramen and energy drinks.


*Kuro is based on the Apple Bandai Pippin*


sampleMacuta Kuro VCV
00:00 / 00:18
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